(512) 275-6471

Marcia Oliveria, MD.

Marcia Oliveria, MD

Cirugía ginecológica

Dr. Marci has lived in Dallas for many years. She attended high school here in Dallas at the Episcopal School of Dallas. She completed her University and Medical training in Texas. She completed her OBGYN residency in Dallas, spending many hours at St. Paul Hospital and Parkland Memorial Hospital. She enjoys practicing at Medical City Dallas and feels fortunate to practice in one of the region’s most advanced Hospitals for women’s services. Women come from all over the state to deliver high risk pregnancies and babies at Medical City. Dr. Marci is able to provide advanced gynecological surgical services as well. Dr. Marci enjoys practicing as a solo provider of women's services as it affords her the opportunity to be active in all stages of her patient’s care. She is really able to get to know her patients.
Ubicaciones de los centros quirúrgicos
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