(512) 275-6471

Andres Perez, MD

Andres_Perez_MD - Pain Management
Andres Perez, MD

Pain Management

Dr. Perez grew up in Corpus Christi, Texas and completed his undergraduate studies at UTRGV. For medical school, he attended West Virginia University in Morgantown, WV., where he had the opportunity to train with a world renowned pain specialist. His anesthesiology training was completed at the University of Louisville in Kentucky and completed an Interventional pain management fellowship at the University of Cincinnati Hospital. Spending nine years in West Virginia, Kentucky and Ohio he witnessed first hand the devastating consequences of opioid misuse and abuse. With this experience he strives to provide a balanced treatment for pain management, including injection therapies, neuromodulation and implanted drug delivery systems. He minimizes the use of narcotic pain medications and includes adjunct therapy including physical therapy, lifestyle modification, psychological therapy and a strong support system. With this approach, he believes patients can improve their quality of life and enjoy a more pain free lifestyle.
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